| MVTec, Embedded Vision

Embedded Vision = YOUR Hardware + OUR Software

MVTec met the international embedded community again in the embedded vision area at embedded world Exhibition & Conference 2024.
Our experts showed the robustness of code reading with MVTec software and how you can easily speed up any deep learning application on an embedded board by using hardware AI accelerators.

Embedded vision solutions demonstrated: Visitors learned how to implement machine vision applications on a range of embedded vision boards using MVTec software, facilitating efficient and effective integration into a wide range of embedded systems.

Hardware AI accelerators integration explored: Attendees discovered how MVTec's AI² interface enabled seamless integration with hardware AI accelerators, accelerating deep learning applications on embedded boards and enhancing performance.

Industry-leading expertise highlighted: With over 20 years of industry experience, MVTec was highlighted as a prominent figure in the embedded vision segment, offering standard software products like HALCON and MERLIC. These products are compatible with various operating systems, AI accelerators, CPUs, and machine vision standards, providing robust and reliable solutions for immediate use in embedded applications across industries.

More about Embedded Vision